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Custom Rugs

RG Floorspecs & Design offers the flexibility of custom area rugs, allowing you to design the perfect rug to complement your space, regardless of size. In our showroom, you’ll discover a vast selection of rugs in various styles, from modern to traditional. Alternatively, you can opt to create your own custom-sized rug using materials of your choice.

Creating Your Own Custom-Sized Rug is Simple:

  • Choose from our extensive collection of over a hundred ready-made materials.
  • Select a border that aligns with your preferences.
  • Specify the exact size and shape that suits your room.

Contact us now to learn more about how you can personalize your own rug and have it ready in as little as two weeks. 

Traditionally, rugs are often limited to a few standard sizes. However, at RG Floorspecs & Design, we empower you to design the rug you truly desire, regardless of size. Whether you need a slightly larger or smaller rug, or require a specific shape and color, we’ve simplified the process for you. With hundreds of materials available, including Sisals, sea-grasses, wools, and blends, you have endless possibilities at your fingertips. And the best part? It’s essentially a custom-made rug without the typical custom-made price tag.

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